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Speak Over Yourself: 5 self-validating affirmations to lift your spirits based on Scripture

Parker Beck // Empowerment // EEW Magazine Online

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Times are hard. Bad news is everywhere. Issues have a way of infiltrating your safe spaces, as storm clouds darken your sunny blue skies. Chances are you’ve been through enough to weigh anyone down and bring out their inner pessimism. But negativity is death to your mentality and destiny.

Speaking words of life during critical seasons is no doubt challenging which is why it’s important to have Scripture-based affirmations at the ready. Self-validating declarations have the power to buoy you when you feel yourself sinking into despair.

When your spirit is in need of lifting, EEW Magazine Online recommends these 5 affirmations to get the job done.

 Affirmation #1: I am happy here.

Whatever the circumstances, I am content (Philippians 4:11). I will not wait for my situation to be perfect or for all my dreams to come true. I choose joy every day, at all times.

Affirmation #2: I am fully loved.

I am the apple of God’s eye, and nothing can ever separate me from the love of Christ (Romans 8:38). No mistake, tribulation, setback, or attack can pry me from His loving embrace.

Affirmation #3: I am well cared for.

I give all my worries to God who will always take care of me (1 Peter 5:7). On days when I feel alone and overlooked, the Lord is nigh, working on my behalf and making special provision for my needs.

Affirmation #4: I am making progress. Though I am not where I ultimately hope to be, I am making progress, and I know God will complete His good work in my life (Philippians 1:6). I will realize my dreams and attain my goals because God promises to finish what He started by fulfilling His purpose through me.

Affirmation #5: I am seen and heard.

I am not invisible, overlooked, or neglected. Jehovah Roi, the God who sees, sees and hears me in my darkest hours (Genesis 16:1-13). When I feel lost in the world and overshadowed in every way, those feelings are not facts. The fact is that God is carefully watching over me, listening to my cries for help, and consistently acting on my behalf.

Ah, doesn’t that feel better? Keep these uplifting proclamations. That way, they will always be there for you to reference again and again.

A prayer: Dear Lord, please help me to speak life over myself and use the lamplight of Your word to guide me down life’s dark, winding roads. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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