Do you need a social media break? Kierra Sheard explains the importance of disconnecting

Article By Chantel Davis // EEW Magazine Lifestyle

Our phones are ever-present. The notifications are endless. Photos and videos compete for our attention. Distractions on social media are numerous. If you don’t watch yourself, you’ll be addicted to posting and reading status updates.

Gospel singer Kierra Sheard, 30, is opening up about a time in the not-too-distant past when she let her online activity consume too much of her time and shares how a break for social media (as well as a change-up in her diet) helped her put things in perspective.

“One week I had taken a long break from social media and meats. I noticed how much I naturally go to these things as if it was a part of my breathing pattern,” she writes in a blog post.

“While removing these two things, I was able to see how I very often can be stuck in a room, living on my phone with social media not paying attention to pertinent moments around me. Interestingly, these things came as second nature to me. While removing this from my regimen, I began spending time with my loved ones a bit more. Noticing more about them. Hearing them say things that someone should hear in order to know what to pray for.”

According to the businesswoman who travels extensively both for ministry and to promote her full-figured clothing line, Eleven60, disconnecting and unplugging was eye-opening and relaxing, and good for her in general.

“I went for a walk to absorb some sunlight, fresh air, and didn’t realize how refreshing this experience was for me and my well-being,” she says. “I then noticed the time that I don’t always give myself. I’m often unable to hear what my soul and body may be telling me. Hence, I had time to love on myself, my family, and friends.”

Being more balanced and present led to an epiphany for the woman with a massive online following and major influence with youth. Sheard saw the necessity of being more available to those who need her so God can use her to be a blessing.

“God blesses us with amazing people who often are assigned to us with solutions, prayer, healing love, and guidance. I made myself available to those who were worth my time. I said yes to those I love and enjoyed myself immensely,” she says. “I made time for God at the top of my day and throughout. I thought to myself, if something were to ever happen to any of them they would know that I love them?”

After reflecting on all she learned from her brief hiatus, the daughter of the legendary Karen Clark Sheard asks her followers, “Have you shown those around you that you love them in action and in deed?”

If not, perhaps unplugging to be more present is a good idea for you. Do you need to back away from social media and reprioritize? Is there another area you may need to find balance in, in order to walk in the shoes God has called you to walk in?

It’s worth pondering.

RELATED: Karen Clark-Sheard opens up about past stillbirth, says she blamed herself


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