We love hearing from you.

  • EEW Magazine Online is the leading web publication for Black Christian women.

  • We insert a Christian perspective into the mainstream—while telling stories and sharing inspiration that caters to the Black Christian woman.

  • Our heartbeat is the gospel, and our mission is to share the love of Jesus with the world—in both word and deed. Get to know our mission even better HERE.

Your Voice Matters

At EEW Magazine Online, we're not just a publication—we're a community. Whether it's proposing a story, sharing your news, seeking a feature, or exploring advertising and sponsorship, your input is invaluable. We're committed to enhancing your experience, serving you better, and upholding Christ's excellence. Reach out to us; we're excited to connect and cater to your needs. Thank you for being a part of EEW Magazine Online.



2316 Delaware Ave., Suite #134
Buffalo, NY 14216

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