Like So, Like That: 5 biblical ways to glow like Tabitha Brown

Credit: Facebook/Tabitha Brown/Illustration By EEW Magazine Online

By EEW Magazine Online Editors // Tabitha Brown // People

Black, Christian influencer and entrepreneur, Tabitha Brown, whom we love, glows from the inside out. It’s no wonder she touches the hearts of millions around the world on a regular basis!

The successful author, vegan cook, restaurant owner, and naturalista—with a fashion line in partnership with Target and her own McCormick seasoning hitting grocery store shelves, has broken into the mainstream and is shining her positive light all over the place. It’s undeniable that she is the embodiment of the fruit of the spirit— love, joy, and peace (Galatians 5:22).

If you’ve ever wondered how, guess what? EEW Magazine Online has the answers and our editorial team is confident that you can do it too. That’s why we’re showing you 5 biblical and non-superficial ways to be like the well-loved 43-year-old encourager affectionately known as Tab.

Credit: Facebook/Tabitha Brown/Illustration By EEW Magazine Online

If you’re ready to glow “like so, like that”—one of Tab’s famous, trademarked, catch phrases—here’s the exact Bible-based formula to do it.

#1 Be Kind. Ephesians 4:32 says, “Be kind and compassionate to one another” which is something Tab seems to do effortlessly. Don’t you agree? Even when she’s under fire, under scrutiny, and a little under the weather, this is one follower of Christ who doesn’t dim her light of kindness one bit. The author of Feeding the Soul is friendly, warm, and down to earth, both online and in person. She somehow always has a smile, a soothing word, and a helpful life lesson to share in every situation. Tab shows us that when you are kind to others (even the ones that are not so kind to you) God will bless you.

#2 Be Full of Faith. 2 Corinthians 5:7 says, “We walk by faith and not by sight.” If you are familiar with the story of the host of “Tab Time”—the fun and wholesome YouTube Originals series for preschoolers, then you know Tab’s life has not been a cakewalk. Before she ever played Octavia Matthews on the Showtime drama series, The Chi, her acting hopes seemed all but dashed. Even when she was sick with an autoimmune disease, depressed, and having panic attacks, Tab kept right on believing. And amazingly, God orchestrated her big break while she was reviewing a sandwich on her lunchbreak as an Uber driver. Today, Tab exemplifies the power of faith.

Credit: Facebook/Tabitha Brown/Illustration By EEW Magazine Online

#3 Be Gracious. Colossians 4:6 says, “Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.” Tab’s McCormick “Sunshine” seasoning isn’t the only thing well-seasoned; her words are, too! When former talk show host, Wendy Williams, attacked Tab’s marriage in the summer of 2021, everybody’s favorite mom responded with no hostility, only grace. If you want to glow like her, that’s just the biblical way, folks. Tab once told Yahoo Life, “I don't care what people say about Tab. It ain't my business. I don't mind it. I give grace to people." As you can see, she walks her talk, and it’s one of the main reasons why she also walks in divine favor. You should give it a try. It works.

#4 Be Optimistic. Psalm 27:13 says, “I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD In the land of the living.” That’s what biblical optimism—hopefulness and confidence about the future—looks like, which Tab certainly exhibits. In her numerous, popular social media video clips, she just has a way of getting others to see the brighter side of the darkest situations. Tab is a hope dealer who breathes life into her audience and keeps them expecting the best even in the worst situations.

Credit: Facebook/Tabitha Brown/Illustration By EEW Magazine Online

#5 Be Yourself. Psalm 139:14 says that you are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Once you embrace this truth, it gives you the power to fully love and accept the person that God created you to be.  If you follow Tabitha Brown, you cannot escape her message of self-love and the power of authenticity. In a YouTube video, she once said, “Normalize being yourself”—a lesson she said she learned over time. Before she was enlightened, however, Tab said she thought she was “not enough” and therefore would not free herself to be herself. But not anymore! She now recognizes that God made her perfect just the way she is. “I ain’t got to cover my accent. I ain’t got to change how I walk, or talk, or do my hair,” she said. “You’re great just as you are.” Those that adopt this positive and biblically supported mindset, like Tab, will enjoy new levels of freedom, joy, and success.

Of course, there is no perfect person, and we all have issues. Even so, there are public examples of believers who model Scripture and showcase the benefits of Bible-based living. Tabitha Brown is unmistakably one of them.

Her example, and others like her, exist for you to follow—not them—but the attributes they display that are reflective of Christlikeness. As 1 Corinthians 11:1 says, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.”

When you do that, you will find that your light shines even brighter and your radiant glow will also be impossible to ignore.


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