Can she get a prayer through? 6 reasons you need prayer warriors as friends

Article By Amy Prescott // EEW Magazine // Spiritual

It’s wonderful to have great girlfriends who love to hang out, eat good food, share the joys and sorrows of life, and see you at your worst and yet love you.

But, beyond that, it’s of utmost importance to have a circle of friends that includes prayer warriors, because when you get to your breaking point, there are some things that only prayer can change.

Here are 6 reasons why you need to be linked to prayer-friends.

#1 Prayer warriors know where to go to get answers. Don’t we just love resourceful friends that know how to do many things and can help you figure out solutions to pressing issues? But no matter how resourceful they may be, at some point, you will face the kind of trouble that they can’t figure out or fix. In these cases, a prayer warrior will know exactly where to go to get answers— the throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16).

#2 Prayer warriors believe God and agree in faith with you. You have things you’re believing God to do for you and blessings you’re trusting Him to release. Therefore, you need someone who will trust the Lord and come into agreement with you. There’s nothing worse than being connected to someone too small-minded, negative and pessimistic to encourage your faith. A prayer warrior will say, I believe with you too, and then, they’ll cover you in prayer.

#3 Prayer warriors are consecrated. A consecrated person is dedicated to the Lord which makes them spiritually stronger and more in tune with Him. We call people like this “prayed up.” And one thing we know about prayed up folks is that they know how to get a prayer up. You can call them in difficult and desperate times, and they will always stand ready to intercede for you. Their prayers are effective because a consecrated person is in right-standing with God (James 5:16).

#4 Prayer warriors hold you up when you’re too weak. No one can be strong all the time, and there is such a thing as being too weak to pray for yourself. Despite having your own relationship with God, there are seasons when you can be too sick, grieved, depressed, lost or confused to pray. In such tough and vulnerable moments, you need a sister-friend to call on who will hold you up in prayer and ask God to give you supernatural strength.

#5 Prayer warriors are spiritually-minded. Carnal, worldly and petty friends will encourage your carnality, worldliness and pettiness. But true prayer warriors will offer a biblical perspective and positively influence your life choices. When you get too upset, discouraged, or you feel like quitting altogether, they’ll remind you to seek God and obey His word, and they’ll pray on your behalf. They keep your mind elevated when they engage your spirituality rather than indulge your carnality.

#6 Prayer warriors will speak the word of God over you. A real prayer warrior prays the word of God. This is why in rough times, you can count on them to speak the word of God over you, too. Because their communication channels are constantly open to Heaven, and they meditate on God’s word, what they say will surely fall in line with what God’s word says. And you need the word of God more than anything else!

Although prayer warriors aren’t perfect, they do position themselves at the feet of Jesus and desire to know His heart above all else. Because of this, their friendship is especially valuable and can help keep you on track spiritually, mentally and emotionally.

So, let the worldly girls have the diamonds, as you ascribe to the philosophy that says, a prayer warrior (not a diamond!) is a girl’s best friend.


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