Need a pick-me-up? 5 Scriptures that tell you exactly what to do when your joy fuel is low

Article By Donna Hamilton // EEW Magazine // Bible Verses

Throughout your life, you will be challenged in many ways. As problems increase, your joyfulness will decrease if you sit back and do nothing. You must maintenance your joy!

If you know you have been feeling weary, and your joy fuel is low, there are 5 spectacular pick-me-up Bible verses that tell you exactly how to refuel when you need it most.

“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” (Psalm 16:11 NIV) There is nothing like spending time with God to pull you up out of a low place. There are eternal, never-ending pleasures in His presence. If your joy fuel is low, you can always get a refill when you commune with the Father.

“For You grant him blessings forever; You cheer him with joy in Your presence.” (Psalm 21:6 CSB) Here is another passage that confirms the connection between God’s presence and joyfulness. Not only will God give you blessings to supply external needs, but He will also address your inner turmoil by cheering you up when you are sad. He is beckoning you to come and spend time with Him.

“Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces.” (Psalm 34:5 NLT) If you are trying to do everything on your own, it’s no wonder why you’re feeling frustrated, drained, and burnt out. Scripture says when we look to God for help, that’s when we’ll have a joyful glow. Those who put their trust in the Lord are never put to shame. You will radiate His light and your burdens will feel lighter too.

“When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.” (Psalm 94:19 NIV) Whether you struggle with anxiety due to mental health challenges or the stresses of life feel overwhelming and are making you anxious, either way, the comfort God brings will override all that. He has a way of cutting through the noise of life, calming the chaos within, and reassuring you that He is with you always and will take care of you through whatever.

 “I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure.” (Psalm 16:8-9 NIV) If you are distracted by everything going on around you, and you focus on the negative, your joy fuel tank will be empty in no time. But when you keep your eyes fixed upon the Savior and remind yourself that He is with you, you will stand firmly in faith, and your heart will be full of gladness and joy. Don’t be like Peter who walked on water in a storm but then took his eyes off Jesus and began sinking (Matthew 14:22-33). Focus on the Lord, and you will thrive no matter what you’re going through.

You don’t have to stay in that slump. God’s word equips you to fight for your joy, which is not the absence of trouble but the presence of the Lord.


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