Seasons of sickness and distress are tough, but don't forget 'The God Factor'


By Dianna Hobbs // Encouragement // EEW Magazine Online

Recently, I received an email from a member of our faith community who is deeply worried about her breast cancer diagnosis. She has stage 3 cancer and has been crying and fearing the worst.

I know personally that seasons of sickness are distressing, especially when there are no easy answers and a long journey ahead. I’ve fought my own fair share of health battles and have observed loved ones fight for their health too.

When my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2011, it felt incredibly distressing. Thank God, by His grace, she is now cancer-free. But the year of her diagnosis tested her faith tremendously. She went through a lot during her aggressive chemotherapy and radiation treatment. There were moments when stubborn and repeat infections made doctors think they might lose Mom. But God said different.

Seeing her health back on course after nearly a year of hospital stays, setbacks and extreme illness, reminds me that seasons really do change, and God is able to do anything.

I have a vivid memory of my mom Annie’s birthday in 2011. At the time, she was going through treatment, and our family decided to throw her a surprise bash. We decorated the house in pink and white in support of breast cancer awareness and waited for her to arrive. The glow from the fluorescent white lights we’d hung around the house could not compare to the gleam in my mother’s eyes when she walked into the house.

“Surprise!” we all yelled, dressed in pink.

She was so happy that day, and we each treasured the joy of the moment. For a few hours, memories of her lowest points, pain, weight loss, tears and somber news, melted away. Then, months later, when she received a clean bill of health, we all could see how God had turned that test into a testimony. To this day, the Triple Negative cancer, an aggressive and rare form with a high rate of recurrence, has never returned. Glory to God.

Throughout the ordeal, I was so inspired by my mother’s faith, because it never wavered, even through tears and pain. When doctors gave negative reports, she believed the report of the Lord and spoke His word over her life. Through the ups and downs, she was confident that God would take care of her.

You must be confident too, whatever you’re going through.

Confident that God is a healer. Confident that there is no failure in Him. Confident that He will cause even this to work out in your favor. Confident that He will make good on His word. Confident that He will restore. Confident that your test will become a testimony.

Today, take heart, my friend. God will take care of you. There may be numerous negative factors and circumstances working against you, but there is also a God Factor at work. That means, when you factor God into the equation, the outcome changes.

He'll take two fish and five loaves of bread and feed a multitude of thousands (John 6:1-14). When there is no food, He will rain manna from heaven (Exodus 16:4). Where there is drought and wilderness, He will bring forth water out of a rock (Exodus 17:6). When God is in the picture, no matter what it looks like, He has the power to change the entire story.

That’s what I mean by The God Factor.

Right now, if you’re stressed and distressed over something going wrong, don’t forget to factor in God’s presence and power into the equation. Remind yourself of Isaiah 41:10 where God says, “'Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’"

Now let’s pray.

God, troublesome circumstances have invaded my life. Worry is trying to creep in. But please help me not to give into fear and anxiety, but to trust that You will take care of me. Despite what it looks like, I choose to place my confidence in You, oh faithful One, who never fails. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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