Hey, It’s OK to put you first: 5 ways to get you at the top of your priority list

By Donna Adams // EEW Magazine Online // Self-care

When it comes to priorities, we know God is first place in our lives. But after Him, are you at the top or bottom of your priority list?

If everything and everyone comes before you, that sets you up for exhaustion, health issues, and a perpetual cycle of frustration. You don’t have to live this way. In case no one ever told you, it’s OK to put yourself first.

If you need help rearranging your life and restructuring your days to include self-care, here are 5 ways to do a better job tending your own needs.

#1 Create a morning routine. The way you kick off your morning sets the tone for the entire day. If possible, avoid rushing through your morning on autopilot. Make space for simple rituals – even if it is just setting aside ten minutes to enjoy your favorite warm beverage – to relax and center yourself. The little things make a big difference.

#2 Honor your personal boundaries. No one can avoid life’s interruptions 100 percent of the time, but whenever you can, set firm boundaries and stick to them. You can’t answer the phone every time it rings. You can’t make everyone’s personal emergency your own. You can’t drop whatever you’re doing at a moment’s notice all the time if you ever want to get anything done. Block off personal time and keep that commitment to yourself.

#3 Set your intentions for the day. Ask yourself, what are my goals? What do I want to accomplish today? What are my priorities? How can I focus my energy on doing these things? In order to reach goals and complete tasks, you must be purposeful and intentional. You can formalize this process with a checklist or take mental notes if you like more flexibility. Either way, be deliberate about reaching the goals you set for yourself.

#4 Stop trying to avoid hurting others’ feelings. If you are a people-pleaser, you have a difficult time saying yes to yourself, because you don’t like saying no to others. If you worry too much about hurting others’ feelings, you will hurt yourself in the end by spreading yourself too thin.  Instead of striving to please everyone, which is an impossible task anyway, strive to please the Lord. While you’re doing that, focus on being kind to yourself and considerate of your own needs.

#5 Be consistent. The advice listed here is simple to understand but not always easy to execute. No tips – however good they may be – will work for you if you don’t apply them and do so consistently. Some days will be easier than others when it comes to putting yourself first, and things won’t always go perfectly or smoothly. But even on the hard days, if you make a conscious choice to put you at the top of your priority list, you will see gradual and steady progress that pays off in the end.

Without self-care, you won’t be able to effectively care for anyone else for a sustained period of time without burning out.

Therefore, work at taking better care of yourself first, so you will be able to take better care of others as well.


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