You’re going places! 8 powerful self-affirmations to help you stay optimistic

By Sandra Brookes // Empowerment // EEW Magazine Online

In Scripture, before becoming king, David was disliked, distressed and discouraged. Yet, he encouraged himself in the Lord His God and kept on going (1 Samuel 30:6).

Like David, we each experience hard moments when we know that we’re going places, but we aren’t quite there yet. Times like these can be deflating and awaken pessimism. So, to avoid slipping into negative thinking, encourage yourself!

EEW Magazine Online’s got your back as always and is giving you 8 powerful self-affirmations to speak over yourself.

#1 “I’m not there yet, but I’m moving in the right direction.”

When you’re in limbo and things have yet to come together, worry, fear, and doubt pounce. Counter the attack by empowering yourself to keep on trucking. Declare that you’re on the right path that leads toward your destiny.

#2 “Daily, God guides my steps even if I do not know where He is taking me.”

Aimlessness and uncertainty wear you down and make you question all your decisions. It’s crucial to remind yourself that you are not without guidance. Our sovereign God is ordering your steps. If you don’t stop, you’ll inevitably end up right where you’re supposed to be.

#3 “I am gifted, anointed, and capable of doing everything God put me on earth to do.”

When things aren’t working out, defeatist thoughts tell you that you don’t have what it takes. Hearing that is a gut punch when you’re already low. Pull yourself up by reinforcing the truth: you are equipped with all you need to do God’s will. It’s already in you.

#4 “I am a person of wisdom, value, substance, integrity, grace, and excellence, and God will richly reward me.”

Focusing on flaws during down times increases self-doubt and enhances fears. This affirmation will help you remember the good things about who you are. More importantly, you will be reaffirming who God says you are—as well as His future plans for you which are good.

#5 “I will walk with my head held high, for I know who I am, because I know Whose I am.”

There comes a point in time when we all, young and old, feel unclear about our identity, purpose, and life path. When lingering questions become overwhelming, this affirmation clarifies and confirms your identity. You are a child of the Most High God, created in His image, and entitled to all the rights and privileges that come with your divine inheritance.

#6 “I cannot control what happens to me, but God, who is in control, will ensure that whatever does happen to me works for my good.”

Some days, weeks, months, and years seem out of control in the worst ways, making them especially difficult to navigate. In turbulent waters, constantly remind yourself that God is in control of your ship. He will not let the angry waves drown you but is causing everything to work for your good.

#7 “As I work toward my goals and apply my faith, God will honor my perseverance and confidence by opening doors for me.”

Work hard and believe God. This is the key strategy for achievement. Granted, things may not come together right away. However, you can be certain that God will eventually open doors, giving you access to good things if you don’t give up on your goals or your faith.

#8 “I may appear to be losing now, but this will be a win for me!”

Victory is yours in every situation through Christ our Lord. Even if you appear to be on a horrible losing streak, expect things to turn around. Anticipate a shift. In all circumstances, because you belong to Jesus, victory is the inevitable outcome.

Self-affirmation is critical because our words become self-fulfilling prophecies. Life and death is in the power of the tongue, so use your tongue to speak life.

As you give yourself support and encouragement, you will be strengthened and empowered to endure any storm and withstand any test.


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