Have You Read Your Word Today? 5 ways regularly consuming Scripture makes you better


By Jenifer Lowry // Spiritual // EEW Magazine Online

When I was five years old in Sunday school, my teacher taught my class a lesson from Ezekiel 2:8-3:3, where God told the prophet to “eat this.” What Ezekiel was being offered wasn’t lollipops or bubblegum drops; it was a scroll that contained divine words.

In fact, God said, “eat the whole scroll,” and “fill your belly with it.” Ezekiel said he opened his mouth, and the scroll “tasted sweet like honey.”

I raised my hand and asked Missionary Davis, “Will my Bible pages taste sweet, too?”

I didn’t understand at the time why she laughed until tears rolled down her plump cheeks. Now that I’m all grown up, I chuckle a little when thinking back to that innocent time in my life. Thank goodness I no longer think I can literally eat Bible pages like a sugary treat.

What I do know, however, is that spiritual consumption of Scripture has great benefits! That’s why EEW Magazine Online is showing you 5 ways increasing your Word diet makes you better.

#1 It makes you Kingdom-minded. The world’s ways will taint you if you don’t allow Scripture to recondition your mind day by day. With all the opinions, ideas, and arguments you hear and read, you can easily get confused if the Bible is not your roadmap. His Word is a lamp to your feet and a light to your path (Psalm 119:105).

#2 It helps you see yourself clearly. Sometimes it’s hard to hear the truth about yourself and see the reality of your shortcomings. Often, we go easy on ourselves, excuse our sins, and tune out those who serve up a hard, cold dose of truth. But Scripture is a mirror that will help you see yourself – the real you – clearly. If you let it correct you where you’re wrong and strengthen you where you’re weak, you will be more blessed and fruitful (James 1:22-25).

#3 It refocuses you on your purpose. You were put on earth for a specific purpose: to spread God’s love; bring God glory; and witness to others that don’t know Jesus. God uses your gifts, talents, resources, and everything connected to you to fulfill this purpose. Without His Word centering your focus, though, you will lose sight of what equips you to do His good work: seeking those things which are above and not on the earth (Colossians 3:1)

#4 It keeps you on the right track. Beware! Despite your devotion to God and true desire to please Him, you are human and bound to make mistakes. When you treasure, abide by, and study the Word, it will set parameters around your heart. You will be less likely to get off track and more likely to stay in the center of God’s will. Scripture, which is our compass and instruction manual, says in Psalm 119:11: “I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.”

#5 It helps you endure temptations, tests and trials. Nobody gets to walk through life on Easy Street. You will be tempted, tested and tried. If you don’t want to succumb to temptation, fail your test, quit when the trial gets too intense, and go to pieces when you are discouraged, increase your Word diet. The cry of Psalm 119:28 must be your cry day and night: “Strengthen me according to your word!”

As you see, the word of God makes you and everything about your life better.

So then, regularly consume Scripture. Eat the whole scroll. You cannot afford to miss a single meal!


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