Reflections on Holy Week + a Powerful Prayer from Dianna Hobbs

By Dianna Hobbs // Holy Week // EEW Magazine Online

Evangelist Dianna Hobbs, Founder of Empowering Everyday Women Ministries, invites you to immerse your thoughts in the life of Christ during Holy Week and contemplate the profound significance of His monumental sacrifice. Hosanna!

Blessed is He who arrives in the name of the Lord!

Mounted upon a humble donkey, the Messiah made His entry into Jerusalem amidst jubilant cheers. The adoring throngs laid their garments and palm fronds along His path as a gesture of deep respect and acknowledgment of His divine nature.

Globally, Christians commemorate Jesus Christ's majestic entry on Palm Sunday.

"Hosanna!" originates from the Hebrew phrase "Hoshiya na!", a call for deliverance that translates to "Save, please!" Over the centuries, it has transformed into a declaration of "Salvation has arrived!" conveying hope and celebration.

In the Gospel of John, chapter 12, verses 12-19, we read of this jubilation. Yet, verse 16 reveals a poignant truth: "His disciples did not understand these things at first; only after Jesus was glorified did they realize that what had been written about Him and that these things had been done to Him."

Thus, even those closest to Jesus, His disciples, did not immediately grasp the events unfolding before them.

Today, many proclaim "Hosanna!" and acknowledge Christ's deity, yet lack a personal understanding of Him and His sacrifice.

During His time on earth, the disciples could not fathom the larger plan. It was only after Christ's resurrection that the grand design became clear to them.

In our time, we have the luxury of hindsight. The mission is fulfilled. We possess firsthand accounts and scriptural elucidation of Christ's deeds.

Let us not mirror the initial ignorance of the disciples. Delve into the gospel truth, so that you may celebrate the purpose of Christ's coming with genuine knowledge and appreciation.

While we may never fully comprehend the immensity of His love, we recognize the redemption achieved through the cross.

Jesus bore our sins and shame, gifting us eternal life.

This Holy Week, do not let the occasion pass without deep reflection on what Christ's sacrifice personally signifies for you.

Study the Word of God meticulously. Ponder the scriptural accounts of His final days. Relive the events leading to His crucifixion and resurrection.

Do not be swayed by the trivial distractions of the world. Allow your heart and mind to be saturated with profound insight, divine revelation, and heartfelt gratitude.

The death, burial, and resurrection of Christ have delivered us—sinners once bound for inevitable judgment. Through His love, we find salvation.

Let our hearts resound with the cry: Hosanna to the King!

Holy Week Prayer

Gracious God, in this Holy Week, we reflect on the passion of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Guide our hearts as we remember His journey from betrayal to the cross and the victory of His resurrection. Grant us the wisdom to cherish His sacrifice and the courage to live out His love. May our spirits be stirred with gratitude, and our lives bear witness to the hope He brings. In the name of Jesus, our Redeemer, we pray. Amen.

To learn more about our Founder, Dianna Hobbs, and her powerful ministry, visit


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