What Jesus said about productivity + 6 ways to get more done

By Rebecca Johnson // Time Management // EEW Magazine Online

Jesus, arguably the busiest man to ever walk planet earth, said this about productivity: “We must quickly carry out the tasks assigned us by the one who sent us. The night is coming, and then no one can work” (John 9:4).

If the Son of God—who saved the whole world in 33 years—had something to say about maximizing His time, it behooves us to listen. Just as He took responsibility for what He put His time, energy, and focus into, we would be wise to do the same.

Keeping the words of Jesus in mind, EEW Magazine Online is offering 6 practical solutions for becoming more productive.

#1 Adopt tunnel vision. Being open-minded about diverse ideas and up to date on current events is good. However, being too broad in your focus is bad for productivity. Jesus had a singular mindset. He knew exactly what His mission was and zoned in on that alone. Want to get more done? Be like Jesus and focus. Keep in mind the advice of Ephesians 5:16 and make the most of every opportunity.

#2 Ignore distractions. I don’t answer my phone every time it rings, because an impromptu phone call can turn into hours of wasted conversation. I turn off social media notifications on my phone, so I am not mindlessly scrolling through posts that don’t matter. Such actions help me to minimize and ignore things that distract me from my primary goals. What actions are you willing to take to get more done? Carve out space to evaluate how you’re spending your days, then reduce the time you spend engaging in nonessential activities that keep you off track.

#3 Clarify priorities. If you don’t prioritize, you will end up doing nothing or trying to do everything—both of which are disastrous for productivity. How about whipping out a notebook, getting in a quiet room and asking yourself, what really matters to me, and what should I be devoting my energy to?  When you get clear on your life’s objectives, it becomes easier to work toward them and reorient your lifestyle to meet your goals.

#4 Ask for space. People cannot give you what you need if they don’t know you need it. Furthermore, you don’t get what you deserve; you get what you demand. Demand that others honor your space. Many women—married and single, employees and entrepreneurs, parents and confidantes—tend to sacrifice their wants and needs for the sake of others.  When this is done incessantly, that person fields a steady stream of requests and their own goals suffer.

#5 Avoid busybodies. Some folks know everybody’s business, but that takes too many precious hours out of a day. Avoid gossipmongers that clutter your mind with useless details, rumors, and others’ personal matters that don’t involve you. Plainly put, get anointed to mind your own business, and you will be more successful. You will be much better off if you surround yourself with likeminded people that are goal-oriented and equally serious about fulfilling their divine assignment.

#6 Take strategic breaks to avoid burnout. Too many individuals assume that busyness equals productivity. Unfortunately, they burn out quicker after repeated refusals to take a break and replenish. You cannot sustain a frenetic pace forever. Even Jesus would get away from it all by distancing Himself from the crowds, communicating with His Father, and clearing His mind.

You have a lot to do. Aren’t your life goals worth protecting, preserving, and producing? If you’re nodding yes, apply these principles and watch your productivity skyrocket!


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