Be a healthy queen: 4 super simple things that will make you healthier in 2021


By Tasia Shepherd // Health + Wellness // EEW Magazine Online

We love a healthy queen, and that is exactly who you are, even if it isn’t obvious yet. If you’re reading this, you survived the trauma of 2020 by the grace of God, but that doesn’t mean you’re necessarily in perfect health.

Wherever you fall on the health spectrum, everyone has room to improve and cultivate healthier habits. If you want to do precisely that in 2021, it’s an achievable goal.

To help you kick your New Year off right, EEW Magazine Online is offering these 4 super simple things you can do that will have hugely positive impact on your overall health.

#1 Back away from the soda and cookies. If you have a mean sweet tooth, you’re not alone, but try your best to cut out added sugars in heavily processed foods like soda, fruit drinks, flavored yogurt, cookies and cakes. Excess sugar leads to obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Try healthier options like stevia, monk fruit, and erythritol.

#2 Become a proud lemon water-guzzler. Water on its own is amazing. Increasing your intake of it releases toxins from your body, regulates digestion, makes your skin glow and makes you feel better. Adding lemon enhances that benefit. Lemons contain Vitamin C also which supports a healthy immune system. Plus, the citric acid in lemons helps lower your risk of kidney stones.

Drink a refreshing glass of warm lemon water first thing in the morning to jump start your digestion. (EEW Magazine Online)

Drink a refreshing glass of warm lemon water first thing in the morning to jump start your digestion. (EEW Magazine Online)

#3 Declutter to destress. It has been said that if your home environment is cluttered and chaotic, your mind is likely cluttered and chaotic too. All that chaos and disorganization leads to stress, and stress negatively impacts your health. Make your home your haven. Your house doesn’t need to be big or fancy, just neat and tidy. If you’re a hoarder, get rid of what you don’t need, and organize whatever you have. You’ll feel so much more relaxed when your house is in order.

#4 Get more sleep. The Bible says God neither slumbers nor sleeps. He is not confined to time and can stay up all night without feeling weary. But you are not God, and you need consistent rest. If you don’t get enough of it, you will be on edge, frazzled, low-energy and unable to perform at optimal levels. This year, prioritize rest, and your health will thank you for it.

Obviously, there are many more things you can do to improve your health, but try starting here. One of the major reasons we quit on our goals is because we over-commit and put too much pressure on ourselves out the gate.

The best way to become a healthy queen is gradually, consistently and realistically. That’s what makes the difference between a New Year’s resolution and a lifetime commitment.


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