Oh Happy Days! 5 easy ways to make every day better

EEW Magazine Online // Lifestyle

It’s true that every day is a blessing, but it’s not true that every day you feel blessed. Some days are blah. Others are terrible. But there are ways to improve each day –whether good or bad.

If you want to maximize the moments of life and live to the fullest, here are 5 easy ways to make every day better.

#1 Start the day with prayer and thanksgiving. Before your feet hit the floor in the morning, thank God for another day, and then pray over your day. Here’s why. Gratitude pleases God and helps you focus on the positive. Plus, talking to your Heavenly Father about your burdens and concerns will help alleviate some of the pressure you feel, so you can face the day with joy and confidence.

#2 Commit to at least 15 minutes of exercise. Research shows that exercise slows some of the natural deterioration that comes with aging and also releases endorphins – your natural feel-good hormones. When you get your body moving, you’ll lift your mood, relieve stress, and feel a sense of empowerment and accomplishment. It doesn’t matter if you choose swimming, jogging, dancing, weight-lifting, bike-riding, or Pilates, as long as you commit to a routine you enjoy and can stick to.

#3 Put something healthy in your body. Food advertisers like to tell us we “deserve” high-fat, high-sugar, decadent treats. But how about realizing that you deserve to put something healthy in your body that tastes good and is good for you? While it’s fine to occasionally indulge in your favorite snacks, don’t forget to nurture your temple with whole foods, fresh veggies, delicious fruits, and healthy fats. You’re worth it.

#4 Keep your priorities in focus. It causes stress when you ignore your priorities and let other people and demands dictate your day. Although unanticipated emergencies and unforeseen responsibilities are unavoidable, this should be the exception and not the rule. Keeping your priorities in focus and putting your energy toward accomplishing goals that matter to you will make you feel 1,000 percent better at the end of the day!

#5 Forgive yourself for not reaching all your goals. Even when you prioritize, you’ll miss the mark sometimes, and that’s OK. Surely, we all want to have productive days and cross off every single item on our checklist. But is this realistic? Of course not. We’re not superheroes; we’re human. So when you fail to reach all your goals, forgive yourself, be kind to yourself, be patient with yourself, and recognize that tomorrow is a new day. And you can start all over again.

In troubling times like these, there are many cloudy days threatening to block out the sunshine forever. But you can make the most of every minute by applying these 5 strategies for better living.

Here’s to a great day!


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