Inspiring and wise sayings: 10 anonymous quotes you should know


Article By Bianca Jones // Wisdom Quotes // EEW Magazine Online

We love a good quote to inspire and inform us, make us think and reflect, and help us grow and improve.

While the Bible is our ultimate roadmap and guide for living effective Christian lives, there are other sayings and reflections that can fill our hearts with useful insights on our daily journey.

Here are 10 awesome quotes you should know from anonymous sources. Though we don’t know who said these things first, they’re definitely worth repeating.

“Sow a thought, reap an act; Sow an act, reap a habit; Sow a habit, reap a character; Sow a character, reap a destiny.”

This quote reminds you that what you think about and do repeatedly shape your destiny. So be mindful of what occupies your mind and intentional about the behaviors you engage in on a daily basis. Your future depends on it.

“There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs.”

Lots of people look for quick fixes, shortcuts and the easy way out. Folks like this rarely achieve anything noteworthy, because the road to success is long and unpaved. Getting to your destination takes time and patience.

“Sometimes the majority only means that all the fools are on the same side.”

Many individuals follow the crowd and do what everyone else seems to be doing. It’s known as herd mentality and can be quite destructive to your goals. The right path isn’t always the one most traveled. Just because a large number of people are going in a particular direction doesn’t mean they’re going the right way.

“If we fill our hours with regrets of yesterday and with worries of tomorrow, we have no today in which to be grateful.”

If you want to live a beautiful, fulfilled and productive life, leave past mistakes behind, stop stressing over the uncertainty of the future, and begin living in the moment. Thank God for this day. Trust Him to guide your steps and help you make the most of the present.

“A diamond is a chunk of coal that made good under pressure.”

Pressure feels uncomfortable, but if you endure it and push through it, you will maximize your potential. Just as diamonds need high heat and intense pressure to form, life’s fiery furnace of affliction and high-pressure situations help you become the sparkling gem you were divinely created to be.

“Worry is imagination misplaced.”

Worry is believing the worst will happen. When you dream up scenarios then panic over what could happen, you use up value mental and emotional energy stressing over something that may never happen. Why not put your imagination to better use? Better yet, put your faith in God and believe that good things will happen.

“If we nurture bitterness, it will destroy love. If we nurture love, it will destroy bitterness.”

Unforgiveness and resentment breed bitterness and misery. If you desire freedom and want to unlock all of life’s amazing possibilities, let go of hurts and offenses, and embrace love. Love unlocks happiness. Without it, life is absent of sunshine and filled with gloom.

“The smallest deed is better than the greatest intention.”

What you intend to do means nothing if you never actually go about doing it. Procrastination kills the best intentions and hinders you from reaching your goal. However, if you take a step, even if it’s a baby step, you’re that much closer to realizing the outcome you’re hoping to create. Small actions are greater than great intentions.

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

Many of us have heard this popular saying repeatedly, because the truth of it is undeniable. We often get stuck in negative cycles by refusing to change the very things we already know aren’t working. Once you have fallen into the same ditch on the road of life, at some point, you must choose an alternative route. That is, if you’re sick of being stuck.

“If you realize that you aren’t as wise today as you thought you were yesterday, you’re wiser today.”

We all are growing day by day. Not a single person gets everything right all the time. But if you can look back and see the previous error of your ways that means you have matured and mentally evolved. Next year this time, if you continue your journey of growth and self-development, you’ll be wiser, stronger, and better.

And there you have it! These 10 anonymous quotes are great additions to your list of noteworthy sayings to build you up and positively influence your life.

What other cool quotes can you think of that should have a place on this list? Identify and add them to your personal wisdom journal.


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