See Yourself Differently: 5 ways to increase your sense of self-worth

By Crystal Halton // EEW Magazine Online // Advice

Self-esteem issues are not uncommon. Some of the most empowered women in the world, if they are honest, will tell you that they, too, have moments when they think negative, low thoughts about themselves.

If you are struggling in this area, there is yet hope! It’s not too late to undergo a transformation that helps you see your value through the eyes of the God, the One who created you and adores you.

Interested in boosting your esteem, confidence, and self-perception? Here are 5 surefire ways to increase your sense of self-worth.

#1 Believe what the Bible says about you. The word of God is the most effective and accessible tool to help you reshape your self-perception. Seek out promises in Scripture and internalize the good things you read. If you don’t believe the word, meditate on it, and apply it, it won’t do you any good. But if you take God at His word, He will change your outlook and your life.

#2 Distance yourself from negative critics. Some people rarely have anything good to say, and they are just all-around bad for your mental health. If you can, avoid them! Those within our most intimate spaces have the biggest influence on the way we perceive ourselves. So, protect your energy. Keep a safe distance from individuals who constantly criticize you and bring you down. That way, their negative attitudes and toxic traits won’t rub off on you.

#3 Deal with past traumas. This step takes devoted prayer and perhaps therapy too. Things in our past can impact our present and future—many times, for the worst—if we don’t deal with them. Though no one likes to dig up old issues and revisit previous traumas, without doing that, you cannot move past them. Don’t be afraid to cry out to God for deliverance from old wounds that still make it difficult for you to see yourself the right way. You cannot overcome what you will not address or conquer what you refuse to confront.

#4 Accept the fight. Look, there is no easy, automatic, or 1-2-3 step way to increase your sense of value and renew your mind. It will be a fight. Accept that. Your mind is a battleground, and it will take great strength and focus to reverse unhealthy thought patterns and reprogram your thinking. But God will give you strength if you take the first step which is believing what the Bible says about you. Skip this step, and you will have no ammunition to take with you into battle, guaranteeing your defeat.

#5 Be intentional about investing in you. You need time, love, attention, rest, and boundaries. As you work on seeing your value, treat yourself as a person who is valuable and deserves compassion. Self-care is essential. Love on you. Be gentle and nurturing toward yourself. Read good books. Listen to wise advice. Divest from things that deplete you and invest in things that invigorate you.

Whatever your station in life, whether high or low, everyone can stand to come up a little higher in the area of self-perception. If you are willing to do the work, these principles will work for you, and God will work on you and through you!

Here’s to growing gracefully.


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