Help, I’m feeling confused! 5 things to do when you don’t know what to do

By Angel Lawson // Wisdom // EEW Magazine Online

Even though you love God, you trust Him, and you seek Him daily, you will not always know what to do in each situation. At times you will be confused, and it will appear that your back is against a wall.

When this happens—because it inevitably will—you need to have a plan. That might seem like a strange thing to say, and you may be wondering, how on earth can you know what to do when you don’t know what to do?

Glad you asked! EEW Magazine Online is offering 5 things you can do in the most confusing times that are guaranteed to work!

#1 Keep praying about it. Some people ask God for guidance once, twice, or three times, then give up when He doesn’t answer them. But you will never reap the rewards of perseverance and relentless pursuit if you quit. God honors our prayers and loves when we diligently seek Him. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says we should always pray, while Matthew 7:7 says that we should keep on asking repeatedly, and we will receive.

#2 Wait for the answer. It’s a mistake to send up prayers but refuse to wait for the clarity you seek. As we have already established, God does not always respond immediately. That’s why Psalm 27:14 says to “wait patiently on the Lord.” Don’t make sudden moves and get ahead of God. If you do that, you risk making a big mess and sabotaging His good plans for your life.

#3 Listen to wise advice. In confusing seasons, it is crucial to rely on loyal friends, trusted mentors, God-sent pastors, and wise sources that personally believe and follow God’s word. Sometimes God sends your answer and/or confirmation through the people closest to you. Hence, when you are unsure and bewildered, don’t isolate and operate in a bubble.  Scripture says in Proverbs 11:14 that “in a multitude of counselors there is safety.” Don’t try to figure it out alone!

#4 Don’t force things. When life is a chaotic maze, you can easily slip into a pattern of impulsiveness and desperately try to force things to happen. In our world, forcing things is characterized as ingenuity, resourcefulness, or being a go-getter. But try to remember that God did not call you to be worldly in your approach. It is your job to follow Him and His job to lead. When you remember this, you will avoid the chaos Abraham and Sarah caused by forcing the divine promise of a child to manifest. They created Ishmael, who brought along with him headaches and heartache, but God created Isaac who caused pure joy and laughter (Genesis 16).

#5 Trust God’s timing. Our timelines are important to us, and we can be so committed to our schedule that we ignore God’s timing. If you want something right away, ask God, Is this the right season for it?  You may think you’re ready before you are, but premature birth of your dreams can be detrimental to the health of your vision. Daniel 2:21 explains that God controls the course of events and changes the times and seasons—not us.

Let’s face it. Feelings of confusion, stagnation, and uncertainty about what to do next are normal on every believer’s journey and are nothing to fret over.

Just continue to hope in God while following these 5 principles. In due time, God will make things clear to you and take you to your predestined place of purpose.


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