5 things you should stop doing in 2020 if you want a blessed and prosperous New Year

Article By Felicia Bishop // EEW Magazine // Inspiration

At the beginning of a New Year, almost everyone makes promises to themselves about what they’ll do differently, but most break those promises very soon after they make them.

If you want to be different from the majority of people and have a blessed and prosperous New Year for real, EEW Magazine Online is sharing 5 things you should stop doing right away.

#1 Making excuses for why you can’t achieve your goals. Nobody has all the money, time, connections, and insights to reach every goal they have—no matter how rich or famous they may be. What separates the doers from the dreamers is creativity and determination. As the saying goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way.” Think about simple, small-scale, realistic ways you can begin working toward your goals. Just do something! Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither will your vision be.

#2 Failing to make a plan. Would you take a road trip without knowing where you were going, not knowing how much it cost, and not knowing whether or not you had enough gas money to make it? Of course you wouldn’t. But many gamble with their destiny and don’t plan anything in advance. While faith does require you to make moves without knowing exactly what the outcome will be, faith does not mean failing to plan. Here’s another good and very true saying: “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Don’t set yourself up for failure in 2020.

#3 Wasting too much time. People that keep their priorities in view and give most of their time and attention to what matters are way more productive than those who don’t. The vision-oriented ones are too busy looking for creative ways to do what God has called them to do to binge watch shows daily, stalk people’s social media, stay on the phone with friends and family all day, and be a couch potato. If you have something you want to do, get after it, and limit mindless activities that don’t add anything useful to your day.

#4 Being afraid of what people think. When you become more focused on your divine dreams and goals, everyone won’t approve. You may be criticized for skipping some social gatherings and get accused of working too much. You might even be told that you have changed in a negative way. Expect that, and don’t worry about it. Being afraid of what people will think or say about you pouring your heart and soul into what you believe God has called you to do will hold you back. Is it more important to live for others or live in alignment with your purpose? That’s an easy answer.

#5 Abusing your body. If you’re not drinking enough water, eating a bunch of processed junk foods, failing to exercise, not getting enough sleep, and not taking any time to pamper yourself, you will crash and burn. Being healthy is not just good for you physically, it is also good for you mentally and spiritually. If you abuse your body by not giving it the fuel it needs to perform, just like a car with no gas in the tank, you won’t be able to continue. So take care of your health in 2020, and make no excuses for why you can’t. Yes you can.

EEW Magazine Online is giving you no-nonsense, straightforward tools to have a no-excuse New Year. If you apply this advice, you will see your productivity, blessings, opportunities, and level of happiness increase substantially.

Now it’s time to go forth and be great! God is on your side, and He has given you the power to it. When you do your part, God will do His.


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