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Know Your Power, Sis: 8 Bible stories to get into when you’re feeling small

By EEW Magazine Online // Encouragement // Bible Stories

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The world says that you need a particular network and net worth, a certain amount of followers, a verified social media profile, degrees, designer threads, and other trinkets signifying your success to be considered important and make an impact in the world.

But, to that, the word of God says, nonsense! None of these things define nor validate you. Only God, who lives within you, can do that. If He calls you qualified and anointed, that’s enough.

But here’s the thing: if you don’t know your power, you’ll believe society’s lies and shrink instead of boldly walking in your calling. And we can’t have that, can we?

The very next time your inner voice (or an outer voice) tells you that you’re insignificant and too small to matter, get into these 8 Bible stories. They will help you see the truth and know your power, which is ultimately the power of the Holy Spirit working through you.

Gideon: In Judges 6, God calls a man named Gideon to fight the Midianites which were Israel’s powerful and imposing opponents. When Gideon received his divine calling, he did everything to weasel his way out of his assignment, even noting that he came from a weak tribe and an insignificant family. Despite Gideon feeling like a cowardly lion, God called him a “mighty warrior.” And with the help of the Lord, he lived up to his God-given name and led Israel to an awesome victory over the Midianites.

Deborah: In Judges 4 and 5, we meet Deborah, the only female judge mentioned in the Bible. Even though the role God called her to fulfill was unheard of for a woman, that didn’t stop her. Society’s marginalization and underestimation of this woman, whose name means “bee,” could not stop her. This Queen Bee was anointed to be a judge, warrior, poet, prophet, singer and songwriter. And she carried out every one of these roles with excellence, authority and impact.

Hagar: In Genesis 16, Hagar, the handmaiden of Abraham and Sarah, teaches us that when you feel invisible, God sees you and has a plan for you. Hagar, who acted as the couple’s surrogate, was mistreated by Sarah. It got so bad, the distraught, pregnant servant ran away into the wilderness with nowhere to go. But God didn’t leave her alone. He visited her and prophesied blessings and increase over her. And Hagar called God El roi which means, “He sees me.” Guess what? He sees you too!

Joseph: The story of Joseph in Genesis 37-50 is so encouraging because he started out as a slave and became the prince of Egypt. He was hated and rejected by his family, thrown in a pit and left for dead, sold into Egyptian slavery, lied on and framed by his Master’s wife, and locked up in prison. Even after all that, no adversity could stop him from ascending to the levels that God preordained for Joseph. He rose from the pit to the palace and was used greatly by the Lord.

The poor widow in the temple: In Luke 21:1-4 a poor widow put her offering of two small coins in the collection box. These coins were called “mites,” translated from the Greek word lepta. A lepton was worth a halfpenny, and two lepta were the equivalent of one cent. All she had was a penny to give. Though the richer, more powerful men in the temple also gave, Jesus said, “This poor widow has given more than all the rest of them.” Just as Heaven took notice of this poor widow – one society would have overlooked – Heaven takes notice of you. What you have to offer is significant, and God will use you as an example to others.

John the Baptist: In Matthew 3:13-17, which covers the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry, the Messiah came to John the Baptist to be baptized by John in the Jordan River. Even though John tried to talk Jesus out of it because he didn’t feel worthy to do such a thing, John was yet anointed and called for that very purpose. Once John obeyed and submitted to the assignment in spite of his feelings of unworthiness, the heavens opened, and God spoke, announcing Jesus as His son. What a privilege to launch Jesus into public ministry!

The woman at the well: If you have been deceived into thinking that your life is the sum total of your mistakes, and your past blunders exclude you from a life of significance, read John 4. The story of the woman at the well is amazing. She had been looking for love in all the wrong places. She was a Samaritan – considered to be an unclean outcast by Jews and unfit to be in the presence of Jesus. But the Messiah chose her, and she became an effective witness for Christ, bringing many souls to Jesus.

Tabitha: Tabitha (or Dorcas in Greek) was a humble woman, a devoted servant of the Lord. She was well known for doing good deeds, helping those in need, and sewing clothing for others. When she died, it was a felt loss, and mourners were devastated in Acts 9:36-42. But God sent the apostle Peter to resurrect Tabitha from the dead. This miracle God performed for this seamstress and philanthropist became a testimony of Christ’s true resurrection power, and many believed because of her. How’s that for impact?

Listen, you are significant. Your life matters. You have a place, a position, and a purpose in the Kingdom of God. Don’t let anything make you believe otherwise. Know your power, which His power working in you. As long as you keep walking closely with God and being open to His will, He will showcase that power through your life.

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