A Letter from our Founder, Dianna Hobbs: The Reason for the Silence

We have all been touched in some way by the Coronavirus pandemic.

One of my close ministry colleagues is currently fighting for their life in ICU due to complications from COVID-19. Several other co-laborers in ministry have been sickened by this lethal virus, and some have died. My team and I are continually trusting God, remaining vigilant in prayer and expecting the Lord to turn things around for our good as He always does.

I know there are many within our faith community who are sick, have lost loved ones and are facing numerous uncertainties and trials. I know what that’s like, and I don’t want you to lose hope. Remain steadfast, and cling to God’s strong and mighty hand just as my team and I are. The Lord is ever-faithful and can be trusted to take care of you.

Lately, you may have noticed that my staff and I have been largely silent on social media and other online platforms run by our organization, but it is not because things are going wrong. In fact, we are surrounded by God’s grace and favor despite the turmoil, and we have seen that overwhelming favor poured out upon us in innumerable ways.

The reason for the silence is to free our team to plan, coordinate, implement effective strategies, send resources, and partner with organizations and likeminded leaders to address the needs of so many who are hurting right now. It is all-consuming work. We have simply chosen doing over documenting, taking action over talking about those actions, and above all, interceding and praying that God would heal our nation.

Thank you for understanding our need to focus on serving others and being patient as online efforts have taken a backseat to critical, offline initiatives.

As we deal with COVID-19 which has caused job loss, food insecurity and the destabilization of our economy, our hearts have also been so broken by police brutality, rooted in racism, that led to George Floyd’s murder, Ahmaud Arbery’s murder, Breonna Taylor’s murder – and the list goes on.  Social injustice and systemic oppression, worsened by political tensions, are ripping our nation apart and have added to the already turbulent, tumultuous times.

Yet, here at our 501c3 nonprofit organization, we are not discouraged. We are active and have mobilized our team to fight for justice, assist the most vulnerable among us – especially those who are unable to feed their families. Because of your generous giving, for which we cannot thank you enough, we are able to continue sending resources to the food banks that are seeing unprecedented demand while supplies are low.

Jesus taught us in Matthew 25:31-40 to help the vulnerable. He said, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”

Everything we do, we do for Him, and this is what we keep at the forefront of our minds every day. Thank you to every single one of you who has and continues to believe in, pray for and donate to our cause.

Together, let us remain focused and steadfast, and remember what our mission is: to share the gospel, to lead souls to Christ, to help the hurting, and to be good ambassadors for God’s Kingdom in word and deed.

Please keep our team in your prayers as we continue to fulfill our divine mandate throughout these tough times. You are certainly in our prayers, and we are yet believing God, no matter how things look today, to reveal Himself in your circumstances and show you special favor.

My team and I look forward to re-engaging you, our dear online community. Thank you for staying connected to this ministry and taking time to read this message. You are loved, covered and surrounded by this faith community that intercedes for you daily.

 In His Service,

Dianna Hobbs

Empowering Everyday Women Ministries, Founder


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