The Hypersexualization of Culture: 6 ways to avoid conforming to society’s toxic sexual norms


By Aria Gibson // Sex + Culture // EEW Magazine Online

Since the very beginning, from Bible days to modern times, sexuality and its exploitation has been an issue of concern.

Thanks to the Internet, cellphones, and other communication devices, nowadays the sex-saturation of culture is inescapable. Hypersexual imagery is distributed in new, innovative, and pervasive ways, making it difficult to espouse and embrace the virtues of purity, modesty, ad sanctity.

How are we to adopt and adhere to God’s view of sexuality in an immoral society that prioritizes lust and pleasure—often characterizing them as freedom and empowerment—while treating abstinence and modesty as antiquated and oppressive? Although the job is not easy, the answer is quite simple: believers are to continuously meditate on God’s standards above others and conform to His desires.

Though hypersexualization’s impact on society has influenced many to imitate the provocative attire, sultry dance moves, pornographic images, and sexual behaviors promoted through media, entertainment, and marketing, we do not have to fall prey.

Here are 6 ways to combat Hypersexualization and live a set-apart life for the glory of God despite the culture being sexually charged.

#1 Don’t go on the attack. First things first, don’t blast the folks that follow cultural trends. That is not the answer. Often, in attempts to fight against negative influences, Christians go on the attack against brands, performers, and organizations churning out sexual images, videos, music, movies, and products. This method usually alienates those who feel singled out, attacked, and belittled, and angers their respective fan bases. Expend time and energy promoting what you are for rather than decrying and attacking who or what you are against. Most importantly, everything must be done in love.

#2 Be aware of marketing tactics. Whether you are a content creator, homemaker, teacher, minister, or entrepreneur, you are the target of marketers. They will find ways to reach you through commercials, internet popups, Billboards, mall posters, magazines at the checkout stand or social media advertisements just to name a few. It is common for marketing tactics to include sexuality to promote products and increase sales, and this isn’t new. For decades, Hypersexualization has proven to be an extremely effectively tool to predict and drive behaviors. So, you must be hyperaware because increased awareness puts you on guard. Once you see what is being done, you are better able to resist the temptation to adopt behaviors and adapt to a culture bent on controlling others for the sole purpose of amassing wealth and power.

#3 Treat your body as the temple it is. Our bodies are special, sacred, valuable, and temples in which the Holy Spirit dwells (1 Corinthians 6:19). We are created to bring the Father glory, but sexual objectification glorifies the flesh above God. For centuries, mankind, who was created to worship God, has found other objects of affection to idolize in place of the Creator. This leads to the idealization and idolization of bodies, sensuality, and sexuality—which run counter to our true purpose on earth. God’s presence dwells within you; therefore, His holiness and His standards should be respected.

#4 Remember God’s original intent for sex. It seems that no one is waiting for marriage to have sex anymore—not if you look at cultural depictions of relationships and sexual behaviors. But not all people are compromising their purity in exchange for premature pleasure. Some remember God’s original intent for sex which is procreation and fulfillment within the confines of marriage, not promiscuity and fornication. Be among those who remember and walk accordingly. Although you may be tempted to eat the forbidden fruit before taking vows of matrimony, the sin is not in the temptation but in the succumbing. So, stand strong. There are so many joys and benefits of waiting. Ask God to give you strength to honor Him completely, mind, body, and soul. And if you stumble, unlimited forgiveness and mercy awaits you.

#5 Resist the need to fit into cultural norms. If you feel like you don’t fit into cultural norms, congratulations! You’re doing this Christian thing the right way. 1 Peter 2:9 says believers in Christ are peculiar and chosen. We are God’s special possession and are by design set apart from the world around us. When you feel the overwhelming pressure to conform to the world, ask God to renew your mind so you can continue to do what is pleasing to Him (Romans 12:2). Your mission in life is to defy the culture, not adhere to it, to please God, not man, to walk in the spirit and not after the flesh.

#6 Develop your intellect. There is nothing wrong with looking good and taking pride in your appearance. However, today’s culture is obsessed with body image and superficial things. Unfortunately, many spend countless hours scrolling through social media, stalking celebrities, and failing to develop their intellect. No wonder hypersexualized culture influences them so easily! You, on the other hand, can be different. More importantly, God wants you to be different which is why you need to fill your mind with useful information to help you maximize your purpose. After all, beauty is fleeting and should not be the foundation of your self-esteem or what matters most to you.

In a world that stands opposed to God’s standards, be determined to stand in alignment with His will. Reading spiritually affirming articles like this, feeding your spirit with God’s word, praying daily, and being careful of the people and trends you follow all work together to keep you in line.

As many others fall by the wayside, stand firm on the Lord’s side. There’s a blessing in doing so!


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