Research shows the world is growing more secular: Here’s how you can stay rooted in your faith


Genesis Washington // EEW Magazine Online // Faith + Culture

Since 1988, the General Social Survey has questioned Americans of varying ages about their belief in God. For decades, the answers stayed fairly consistent. Around 70 percent of members of the Silent Generation said that they “know God really exists” and “have no doubts about it.” 63 percent of baby boomers and Generation Xers said the same thing.

But in 2018, something shifted. Millennials expressed more doubt than ever. Suddenly, only 44 percent were sure that God existed. Among members of Generation Z there was even less certainty with just one-third claiming certain belief in God.

Today, scholars agree that the younger generations are by far more secular than their parents or grandparents. In responses to survey questions, more than 40 percent of the youngest Americans claim no religious affiliation, and just a quarter say they attend religious services weekly or more.

While secularism, an ideology that promotes freedom to follow any religion or none at all, is taking hold of people of all ages, you don’t have to succumb to the trend. There are ways to keep yourself firmly rooted in faith and positively impact your family’s faith for generations to come.

EEW Magazine Online is sharing 5 ways.

#1 Make the Bible your primary source. First and foremost, above all things, Scripture must be your number one resource for information about God and what He requires of us. Many people think they can have personal intimacy with God apart from His word. This is a common mistake. To know God is to know His word. Scripture is your best friend on your journey of faith.

#2 Reject New Age philosophies. There are many spiritual gurus in the world that share teachings, advice, and strategies that sound good but are contrary to biblical teaching—specifically New Age beliefs. Astrology, psychic predictions, and ideologies like discovering your higher self on your own, tapping into spiritual energies present in inanimate objects, or even practicing the law of attraction are not in alignment with Scripture. Be careful about the experts and concepts you follow.

#3 Follow those who follow Christ. In this influencer age, celebrities have unprecedented impact thanks to technology. Social media gives famous people broad reach and a platform to entice the masses with their charm, riches, beauty, and ability to live out their dreams. While celebrities are empowered to do good things with their platforms, some are openly anti-Christian, pro-secularist, and are influencing impressionable followers enamored by their lifestyle. Don’t be an aimless follower. Do what Paul the Apostle said in 1 Corinthians 11:1: “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.”

#4 Stay in community with other believers: As America moves further away from her strong roots in Christianity, it is increasingly necessary to identify and be a part of a strong community of faith. Surrounding yourself with like-minded believers that can hold you accountable, support you, and pray for you in times of need is a must. No person is meant to be an island; there is power in community.

#5 Stay connected to God through prayer: A strong prayer life keeps your faith healthy. Aside from regular reading of Scripture, set aside devoted prayer time to communicate with God, tell Him your concerns, sit quietly in His presence, and wait for His guidance. Through consistent communion with God, a believer grows stronger, feels less burdened with the weight of the world, and more in tune with the will of the Father. Prayer keeps you centered and grounded.

There is no way to altogether avoid the dominant influence of secularism on our culture. However, one can avoid being swayed and separated from their faith by employing these 5 strategies EEW Magazine Online has shared.

For a moment, consider what more you can be doing to combat secular influence on your life and family. Seek God for clarity and answers. He will lead all those who look to Him for help.


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