How can I improve? 5 ways to be a better disciple of Christ


Article By Toni Gray // Faith + Christianity // EEW Magazine Online

When is the last time you asked yourself, how can I be a better Christian? This is an important question with answers worth exploring. The fact that you are reading this indicates that you have a hunger to grow, and that’s amazing!

Though believers are saved by grace and not works, it does take work to live a life worthy of our calling that draws others to Christ and demonstrates that His saving grace is not in vain.

In case you are searching for ways to grow, evolve, and improve in your commitment to God, EEW Magazine Online is here to help. We are offering 5 things you can do to be a better disciple of Christ which is a deep desire of every genuine Christian.

#1 Do your research. Taking time to research the Bible and seeking to understand it is never time wasted. Having an in-depth of understanding versus a surface-level grasp of the basics will equip you with the spiritual resources you need to live a holy, empowered, and effective life. The word of God sanctifies, matures, and equips us.

#2 Don’t follow your feelings. Being familiar with Scripture is one thing but living by it is another thing entirely. The world teaches us to follow our own heart, feelings, and desires. But true disciples are led by the Word and not the world. Therefore, we must evaluate everything—all feelings, experiences, and decisions—based on Scripture. Ask, what does God’s word say about this?

#3 Speak the word consistently. What you say reflects the condition of your heart. Speaking the word consistently can only be done if there is a fundamental transformation within. Proverbs 4:23 teaches that “out of the heart flows the issues of life,” so make sure your heart is filled with God’s promises, principles, and precepts. Pray the prayer of David in Psalm 51:10-13 asking God to cleanse your heart from unrighteousness, so your mouth will speak words that honor and lead others to Him.

#4 Promote unity rather than disunity. Jesus prayed for unity in the Body of Christ in John 17:21. But if you take a look around, you’ll see division everywhere—even among believers. Arguments are breaking out over social issues, politics, health protocols, and theological ideas. It pleases God when we promote love and unity rather than strife and discord.

#5 Imitate Christ. Social media trends demonstrate how easily we are influenced by others. Our culture is dominated by a bandwagon philosophy: if everybody is doing it, I should get on the bandwagon and do it too. But Jesus never walked in lockstep with the culture. Therefore, neither should we. Ephesians 5:1 says, “Be imitators of God.” What are you copying?

Listed here are just a few of the ways you can be a better disciple. But be sure to ask God what you need to specifically work on in your walk with Him.

Proverbs 3:6 by far gives the best advice: “Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.”

Here’s to growing, evolving, and being a committed follower of Jesus in all you say and do!


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